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Feb. 27, 2002
         Added some Valentine's day pictures and a short clip of us throwing our RA into the fountain.  Also, changed everything to bold, easier to read?
Feb. 3, 2002
          Rams Lost, I lost a bet.  See pictures on the picture page as I hang my head in shame.
Feb 1, 2002
          Went rafting in a fountain in front of the bookstore with Sam.  Pictures on the Photos page.
October 25, 2001
          Fixed the link to Kelsey's page.  What else can I put on this thing?
October 7, 2001
           I added some pictures from a scavenger hunt.  We had to go into San Francisco and do random things like streak down haight street, or try on lingerie at Victoria's Secret.  It was fun, so are the pictures.  Took out the Atmosphere link because i couldnt get it to work.
August 22, 2001
          Just got back from Turkey a week ago.  I spent a week there after spending a week in New York.  I put some pictures up in the Photos section.
July 25, 2001
          I just realized that this page is viewed best when the url is http://frontpage.tripod.com/neeshman1 not http://neeshman1.tripod.com.  I also added a review on a book I just read, Hostile Waters.  Friggin' awesome...it's about a Russian nuclear sub in American waters during the Cold War.  Very interesting...
July 16, 2001
          Added some senior trip pictures to the Collegiate Pictures page.
July 14, 2001
          Added some pictures to the photo gallery - high school, Hawaii, and prom.
July 9, 2001
          I created this part of the website.  Since early June all this has been was an intro, with a couple of links.  See the original website here.  Yeah, I took the easy way out and used Microsoft FrontPage.  I do know HTML, but it is so much faster to stick it into FrontPage.  I do sometimes edit the HTML to get that exact look I want. 
Late June 2001
          I finished creating a 3-D maze using Atmosphere.  It is two stories, and has a whole bunch of rooms that can be explored.  Some of which have dining room sets.  Others were made to look like bathrooms.  It was a completely interactive 3-D two story maze that took about 3 weeks to finish working a few hours a day.  But, geocities doesn't support the fu***** format, so you can't see it.  son of a b****, cock-sucking, piece of mother a**, sh**.
Early June 2001
          My good friend Beau decided to create a web page, which caused me to make a web page.  It's summer and I have nothing else to do, so I started to play around with some adobe products...LiveMotion in particular.  Which I used to create the intro.  I have also been playing around with Adobe Atmosphere.
December 2000

          I got some web authoring utilities but never took the time to learn how to use them.  So they took up space on my computer for about 6 months.


copyright 2001 Kumar Inc.â maneeshgkumar@hotmail.com